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ABOUT SIrius aRms COmpany
“Greetings and welcome to my website. My name is Dustin Ciancio and I am the owner and founder of Sirius Arms Company. I am a gun enthusiast and my purpose and the reason why this company was founded is to train and prepare law-abiding gun owners by giving them the tools, courage, and confidence to protect themselves and what matters most to them..”
When I decided I wanted my first firearm I had no Idea where to go or what to look for when I got there. Other than what I had seen or heard on tv or in music, I was unaware of what I actually needed. As I went from local shop to local shop, I started to notice a pattern in the suggestions from the retailers. The suggestions definitely weren’t based on what the retailer’s thought I needed. Instead they were purely monetary motivated offerings. Not one asked “what will this firearm be used for?” I realized this was a trend with todays modern retailers larger or small. I decided I wanted to change this. Customers shouldn’t be persuaded into what’s “best”. I believe retailers have a responsibility to inform and educate their customers to help them make the right decision for their individual needs.
That is the reason why here at Sirius Arms Company we take the time to choose the best quality and widest selection of firearms, ammunition, and gear. Whether you are just starting out or an avid firearm enthusiast, we have the products and knowledge to support every shooter’s ability. We promise to provide the best possible customer experience and always competitive pricing.
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